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Servo Cylinder SeriesTechnical inquiry sheet

Direct drive

- Stable accuracy
- High rigidity and rod rotation control
- Easy driving motor operating

Parallel drive

- Stable accuracy
- High rigidity and rod rotation control
- Easy driving motor operating
- Highly space efficient


1) Using a linear bushing as a ord guide offers minimal friction resistance, smooth motion, high-speed operation, and long service life
2) Cylinder barrel and rod are made of highly rigid bearing steel, suitable for harsh industrial environments
3) Various interchangeable types available for manufacturing versatility and field customization
4) Suitable for use in closed-loop control systems


1) Exact path and position control
2) High holding torque
3) Excellent low-speed properties
4) Easy installation
5) Reduction of maintenance costs
6) Ideal for repeatability, vertical mounting, and compression applications

Part number

Basic specification

Items ¨ª32 ¨ª40 ¨ª60 ¨ª80
Ball Screw Lead (mm) (2), 3, (4), (10) (2), 4, (5) 5, (10), (20) 10
Ball Screw Dia. (mm) 10 12 20 25
Maximum thrust (kgf) 150 250 500 1,000
rated thrust (kgf) 75 125 250 500
Maximum speed (mm/sec) 250 270 200 330
Stroke (st) (mm) ~ 200 ~ 200 ~ 500 ~ 600
Maximum rotation angle of rod ( ¢ª ) ¡¾0.2 ¡¾0.25 ¡¾0.25 ¡¾0.25
Repeatability (mm) ¡¾0.02 ¡¾0.02 ¡¾0.02 ¡¾0.02
SERVO MOTOR (50W), 100W (200W), 400W 750W (1KW), 1.5KW

Note 1. The specification in parentheses of Ball Screw Lead are custom specifications.

Examples of Basic type


Standard (Direct type)

Direct type

  ¨ªD ¨ªd L1 L2 L3 (Lm) ¡àA B * C * D a * a * ¨ªD1 b * c` * ¨ªD2 E
¨ª32 32 20 156.5 146.5 136.5 (42) 46 82 * 52 * 33 32.5 * 32.5 * 7 62 * 182 * 7 M18¡¿1.5
¨ª40 40 25 178 173 163 (44) 55 90 * 59 * 36 40 * 40 * 9 70 * 208.1 * 9 M22¡¿1.5
¨ª60 60 40 232.5 232.5 220.5 (76) 75 125 * 83 * 50 55 * 55 * 9 100 * 299.5 * 11 M36¡¿1.5
¨ª80 80 50 280 277 257 (107) 100 165 * 115 * 70 75 * 75 * 14 130 * 346 * 14 M45¡¿1.5

Parallel type

  L4 L5 L6 F * G b * d * ¨ªD2 ¨ªD3 H J * K
¨ª32 198.5 193.5 195.5 52 * 120 62 * 182 * 7 10 30 15 * 20
¨ª40 229 224 229 62 * 136 70 * 238.5 * 9 12 35 18 * 24
¨ª60 303.5 300.5 308.5 88 * 186 100 * 308.5 * 11 16 40 25 * 32
¨ª80 363 360 364 130 * 258 130 * 378 * 14 22 52 30 * 45

Note 1. SAMICK can respond to customer specification on ROD tip(E) other than standadr screw.

Standard (Parallel type)

Tie rod (Direct type)

Direct type

  ¡àA ¨ªd L1 L2 (Lm) B * C D * E * F a * b * ¨ªD1 c` * d * ¨ªD2 G (¡Ø)
¨ª32 46 20 146 156 (42) 79 * 50 82 * 56 * 33 64 * 32 * 7 62 * 119 * 7 M18¡¿1.5
¨ª40 52 25 173 183 (45) 90 * 55 90 * 62 *36 72 * 36 * 9 70 * 145 * 9 M22¡¿1.5
¨ª60 75 40 230.5 242.5 (76) 120 * 80 125 * 87.5 * 50 100 * 50 * 9 100 * 197 * 11 M36¡¿1.5
¨ª80 100 50 277 297 (107) 160 * 110 165 * 120 * 70 130 * 76 * 14 130 * 229 * 14 M45¡¿1.5

Parallel type

  L3 L4 H * J ¨ªD3 K L * M
¨ª32 193 203 52 * 120 10 30 15 * 20
¨ª40 225 235 62 *136 12 35 18 * 24
¨ª60 198.5 310.5 88 * 186 16 40 25 * 32
¨ª80 360 380 130 * 258 22 52 30 * 45

Note 1. SAMICK can respond to customer specification on ROD tip(G) other than standadr screw.

Tie rod (Parallel type)

Square (Direct type)

Direct type

  ¡àA ¨ªd L1 L2 (Lm) B*C D*E*F G*H a*b*¨ªD1 c`*d*¨ªD2 (e)*¨ªD3 J (¡Ø)
¨ª32 46 20 146 156 (42) 79*50 82*56*33 66*90 64*32*7 62*119*7 (123)*12 M18¡¿1.5
¨ª40 52 25 173 183 (45) 90*55 90*62*36 72*104 72*36*9 70*145*9 (136)*16 M22¡¿1.5
¨ª60 75 40 230.5 242.5 (76) 120*80 125*87.5*50 105*145 100*50*9 100*197*11 (150)*20 M36¡¿1.5
¨ª80 100 50 277 297 (107) 160*110 165*120*70 140*190 130*76*14 130*229*14 (163)*25 M45¡¿1.5

Parallel type

  L3 L4 K * L ¨ªD4 M N * P
¨ª32 193 203 52 * 120 10 30 15 * 20
¨ª40 225 235 62 *136 12 35 18 * 24
¨ª60 198.5 310.5 88 * 186 16 40 25 * 32
¨ª80 360 380 130 * 258 22 52 30 * 45

Note 1. SAMICK can respond to customer specification on ROD tip(J) other than standadr screw.

Square (Parallel type)


- One type of Electric actuator that can replace hydraulic or pneumatic
- Position control cylinder that can be applied to transport systems, clamping devices, distribution systems and mixed production systems in industrial automation

Application Example


Technical inquiry sheet  * Please print out the download file, fill in the necessary information, and contact us by FAX or E-mail.

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