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McGuideTechnical inquiry sheet



1) High rigidity  Wide contact area provides higher rigidity than point contact
2) Zero torque loss  No differential slip of the rolling element maintains high rigidity with low preload, minimizing impact resistance
3) Longer service life  Higher basic load arting means longer service life
4) High precision  Needle and polygonal shaft structure maintains accuracy, low preload, repeatability and straightness (zero pitching, yawing, and rolling)

Improvements over existing products

Unlimited stroke (Needle recirculating retainer structure)

Higher-performance alignment for compact machine designs

Low preload, high rigidity, high torque transmission

Reduced production costs

¡¤ Quality control, defect reduction
¡¤ Energy efficiency
¡¤ Less maintenance
¡¤ Reduced downtime, higher productivity

Type and main dimensions

- Type of product (Example)

- Dimension : McG - 00 - 00 - S - 000

Shaft diameter
§¤ max Lmax L1 PT ¨ªD1 ¨ªDF ¨ªCS ¨ªDS ¨ªDC LS C0(kN) C(kN) C0T(kN-m) C0T2(kN-m)
McG-028 28 675 700 25 8 37 98 80 60 59.8 84 58.4 22.5 2.14 1.07
McG-032 32 670 700 30 9 42 102 83 63 62.8 88 64.2 24.2 4.11 2.06
McG-040 40 665 700 35 10 54 120 98 75 74.8 100 114.4 41.6 9.19 4.59
McG-050 50 665 700 35 12 64 136 115 92 91.8 115 137.7 48.1 13.59 6.80
McG-080 80 665 700 45 15 98 184 160 136 135.8 155 359.3 112.5 56.28 28.14

- Dimension : McG 00 - 000 - F - 000L

Shaft diameter
F1 ¨ªPF ¨ªCP ¨ªDD LS LS1 L2 T LS2 K w d1¡¿d2¡¿h
28 12 51 40 6.5 84 50 17 15 20 75 75 9¡¿14¡¿9
32 13 56 45 6.5 88 54 17 15 24 78 78 9¡¿14¡¿9
40 15 70 56 8.5 102 64 19 18 28 92 92 11¡¿17.5¡¿11
50 15 82 68 8.5 115 75 20 18 39 105 105 11¡¿17.5¡¿11
80 20 124 105 13 155 105 25 20 65 145 145 14¡¿20¡¿13


1) Ultra-precision transfer guide
2) Z-axis guide for ultra-precision measuring device
3) Precision cutter guide
4) High-rigidity press guide

Special order product

McG 00 - 000 - 0 - 000L - S

¡Ø Designed and manufactured by SAMICK. Customized designs available for your convenience.


Technical inquiry sheet  * Please print out the download file, fill in the necessary information, and contact us by FAX or E-mail.

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